Screener ROOTS - by Michael Schindhelm

Exhibition page ROOTS - by Michael Schindhelm

Media Relations ROOTS - by Michael Schindhelm

ROOTS (102')

Ninety-nine years after the painter Walter Spies visited the island of Bali for the first time, his spirit returns to the island. But with Spies came tourism and modernity to the island. The film tells a cinematically undiscovered story about Bali, its rise to the 'Eldorado of global tourism' and the desperate efforts of its inhabitants to preserve their cultural identity in the chaos of globalization.

With (in alphabetical order):
Agung Alit
Agus Ari Dewantara
Agus Sumberdana
Anak Agung Anom Suara
Anak Agung Gde Rai
Anak Agung Gede Angga Mahendra
Cokorda Alit Artawan
Cokorda Sawitri (in memoriam)
Damar Langit Timur
Degung Santikarma
Desak Ketut Safitri Dewi
Desak Made Rembulan Radhadena
Desak Nyoman Sri Suyasning Putri
Dewa Ayu Dewi Larassanti
Dewa Ayu Eka Putri
Dewa Ayu Kartika
Dewa Ayu Ning Sunari
Dewa Gde Tejanata
Dewa Gede Surya Dwiputra
Dewa Made Mega Putra
Gus Dark
I Dewa Gede Agung Mahesa Alit Putra
I Dewa Gede Wijaya
I Gede Putu Waristana
I Gusti Agung Bagus Bima Wijaya
I Gusti Agung Divo Haristana
I Gusti Agung Gede Wiranata
I Gusti Gde Udayana
I Gusti Ngurah Lanang Ardika
I Gusti Putu Sana
I Gusti Putu Weda Adi Wangsa
I Ketut Kodi
I Made Agus Herdiana
I Made Putu Ariana (in memoriam)
I Made Rumita
I Made Wahyu Danutirtha
I Made Winanta Wedana
I Made Yogisatya Satwika
I Nyoman Arista Adi Wijaya
I Putu Budi Santoso
I Wayan Arya Bisma
I Wayan Dibia
I Wayan Purwanto
I Wayan Sutirta
I Wayan Suwena
Ida Ayu Rodri T. Pidada
Ida Bagus Ketut Andy Pratama
Ida Bagus Nyoman Wira Gangga Wijaya
Ida Bagus Pidada Ngurah Dipalaga
Ida Bagus Putu Eka Wirawan
Ida Bagus Putu Krisna Sandika
Kartika Tri Dewi
Komang Fitriasa
Komang Mahendra Adi Putra
Made Bayak
Made Krisna Bokis Dinata
Made Sudarma
Ibu Mayun
Manggala Cetta
Michael Schindhelm
Ni Gusti Nyoman Sari
Ni Made Wahyuni Dewi
Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi
Ni Putu Ayu Inkayanti
Ni Wayan Seroni
Nikade Alit Juli Pratiwi
Putu Darsana
Putu Eka Guna Yasa
Putu Gede Karisma „kele“
Putu Primawati
Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena
Ricky Fernando Tungkiman
Santi Suksma Melati
Sri Junisabtika
Wayan Suweadra

Director Michael Schindhelm
Cinematography Sven Rufer, Martino Wayan
Sound Prema Ananda
Sound Assistant Thoriq Sihabudin
Music Domenico Melchiorre, Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena
Sound Design, Edit and Mix Till Zehnder
Editor Anastasiya Shostak
Colorist Stefano Cravero
Assistant Editor Carlo Bertasso
VFX Dimitri Erhard

Crew Bali
Production Service Niskala Studio (Yumihana Devi, Rio Kharisma, Budiantara, Gus Andika, Satya)
Production Manager Dewa Ayu Dewi Larassanti
Translations Lina PW, Dewa Ayu Dewi Larassanti
Driver Gung Alit, I Dewa Gede Wangi

Postproduction Base Zero
Title Animation/Graphics Dimitri Erhard, Andreas Kreienbühl
Archival Production Chrysanthi Goula
Subtitles Base Zero, Clarissa Wiese
Production Manager Filippo Armati
Producer Michael Schindhelm
A Lavapolos Film Production
A Project by KBH.G, Basel, Switzerland